Who would have thought at the beginning of the year that masks would become a fashion accessory in 2020. Hardly anyone. Admittedly, without Corona, probably very few of us would wear them. As strange and sometimes awkward as it may be to wear a mask, they provide protection from viruses. But they also provide us with a great opportunity for advertising purposes or for various fashion and creative trends.
In our new video, you can see how Laser-Dark (No-Cut) and Flex-Soft (No-Cut) are used for this purpose with some inspiration for your own mask printing! In addition, our graphics department has created a template that allows you to insert your own motif/logo and thus print masks quickly and cost-effectively.
Printing masks with FOREVER transferpaper
Print multiple logos on one foil

- 50+ logos on one DIN A4/Letter
- 100+ logos on one DIN A3/Tabloid
- Multiple masks from one foil
- Extremely time saving
- Very low costs
Laser-Dark (No-Cut)

- No cutting and weeding
- Suitable for CMYW & CMYK Laser/LED printers
- Soft touch
- High washability
- Vibrant, brillant colors
- Fine details and elaborate graphics easily transferable
- Time saving
- Finishing with hot stamping foils
Flex-Soft (No-Cut)

- No cutting and weeding
- Suitable for B&W, CMYK, CMYW Laser/LED printers and copiers
- Soft touch
- High washability
- Vibrant, brillant colors
- Used & vintage look, vector graphics
- Time saving